Chemiplas Appointed as Exclusive NZ Distributor for Errecom
Chemiplas is pleased to announce that as the exclusive NZ distributor for Errecom, we are now stocking their range of high-quality leak prevention, leak detection and leak repair products. With the high cost and environmental impact of refrigerants, preventing leaks is paramount and Errecom have innovative solutions to help you prevent leaks, or if necessary identify then repair them quickly.
Product examples:Errecom’s Extreme Ultra will prevent and repair leaks up to 0.3mm in size so stopping leaks effectively before they occur. When added to the refrigerant line, Extreme Ultra circulates in the system without compromising plant performance; Errecom’s spray on Best Bubbles quickly identifies leaks after simple spray application; Errecom’s External range will immediately repair any leak once identified
Time on site to find and repair a leak can now be reduced significantly using Errecom products. Check out Extreme Ultra at work here:
To learn more, contact us on (09) 361 4060