Bacharach and Neutronics announcement
Chemiplas are proud to announce exclusive distribution of both the Bacharach and Neutronic range of products into New Zealand and the Pacific Islands
Through its partnership with Bacharach, Chemiplas now offers fixed and portable leak detectors that detect refrigerant leaks to levels as low as 1 part per million. Bacharach are the gas detection and analysis experts and offer precision instrumentation to make HVAC&R safer, cleaner and more energy efficient thus protecting human health and valuable assets, whether stock in the room or the refrigerant itself.
Neutronics are a world leader in refrigerant analysers for the automotive and HVAC&R industries. Neutronics refrigerant identifiers enable fast and accurate testing of refrigerants measuring purity, and in the case of blends, the make-up of refrigerants. In the changing landscape of multiple replacements and the increasing need to recycle refrigerants, Neutronics analysers will save you from costly mistakes and allow for recycling of refrigerant with confidence.
For more information please phone our helpful refrigeration team on 09 3614060
See our full range of products here